How Casey Connolly Sold A Deal Without Even Presenting A Proposal

In B2B sales there’s a normal sales process all of us must follow in order to reach success.  

The rule is the salesperson should never skip steps.

It’s different, however, for the customer.

There are rare moments where you do such an incredible job selling the value of your offering that the customer asks you to move forward. 

That happened in this deal.

In this sales training episode of The Deal Breakdown podcast, listen to what Casey did to win a new client, during the pandemic, in a way that is a lesson of what’s possible for the rest of us.


What to listen for

  • Casey’s company & background: [00:57]
  • What was the size of the deal: [06:15]
  • How did they find the deal: [12:00]
  • What was the prospecting touch like: [14:45]
  • What was the next step: [16:40]
  • The proposal: [24:12]
  • Creating urgency: [26:58]
  • On Competition: [28:30]
  • Things He Did Well: [29:45]
  • Things He Would Do Differently: [30:52]
  • Words of Wisdom: [32:14]

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