Tips to Build Your Sales Brand Online


Your online brand is being evaluated every day, whether you realize it or not.  It could be helping or keeping sales from materializing from your prospecting efforts.  What does it say about you?

Here are 5 tips that could help you make sure your sales brand supports your efforts on the phone and in the field.  

#1 Look at your online brand from the perspective of your client’s. ​


Just like us consumers, we judge the vendors we could be working with pretty quickly.  During that time, we determine if we would ever do business with them.  The main areas you should evaluate for your online brand are in two main areas:

Your company website

 is it current or does it look like it was created 15 years ago. With all of the free website creation template sites available today for practically zero investment there is no excuse for not having something decent.  

Social Networks

There are many to choose from and you should use that ones that are most common in your industry.  Unfortunately, again, if you don’t play the same game as everyone else in your industry you will be left behind. 

#2 Use social networks appropriately​


There are many different one to be a part of.  I would use the ones that other vendors in my industry use and make sure my brand is sufficient.  In the video I give you the full breakdown on your choices.  

One that is a must, if you’re in business to business sales, is LinkedIn.  If you don’t have a presence, something is wrong.  That’s the first place your clients will look, after your website, to determine your credibility. 

#3 Does your appearance/attire/professionalism look like the person a client would go do?​


This can go both ways.  You could look too professional and you could look too casual.  Make sure you are dressing above what your clients look like to separate yourself from the other options out there.  I would always lean towards looking more put together than looking like you just got out of bed.  

#4 Are you a safe and easy decision to make for your client? ​


In terms of being an easy decision, are you easy to work with?  Easy to contact?  Easy to communicate with?  Does the customer feel comfortable & confident with reaching out to you?

Think of a safe decision as buying a product with, no questions asked, a great return policy.   Two places come to mind, Nordstrom and Amazon.  There is essentially a “no-risk” option to buy things because no matter how it goes, you are safe to return it back to exchange it.  

The same thing needs to apply for your business.  What is your no-risk option for a new client? What is your give?  What is your free offer to get them comfortable with working with you?  Is it something your client would want?  

Time to come up with a no risk for your product/service!

#5 What do your clients say about you online?



Time to control the message by building your collection of reviews.  LinkedIn is a perfect place for this.  It’s called “Recommendations” and no, that’s not, “Endorsements.”  

Endorsements are a joke and as LinkedIn really wanted to get more Recommendations completed for everyone and thought they could do a short cut with Endorsements. [At least, that’s my interpretation.]

You need Recommendations, and my best advice for you to start collecting them are to give (3) Recommendations away to your closes clients.  Write them one right now.  After you complete and share it with them, then ask for one from them in return.  

Don’t ask for one on LinkedIn before you give one.  That’s classless.

Summary of Tips to Build Your Sales Brand Online

You have two brands and you have control over both.  Make sure your are putting the effort out there to have a brand that paints you in the best light.

Learn about how to create a virtual selling brand that sells for your while you sleep inside of our Modern Sales Academy.

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